Filippor Giovanni Ghiglieno
Professor Adjunto
2009 - 2011
Pós-Doutorado Université Paris Diderot, PARIS 7 - França
2005 - 2008
Doutorado em Materials Science and Technology Politecnico di Torino, POLITO - Itália.
Informações de Contato
Telefone: +55 16 3351-9635
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Publicações Recentes
ILISCA, ERNEST ; GHIGLIENO, FILIPPO . Electron exchanges in nuclear spin conversion of hydrogen physisorbed on diamagnetic insulators. European Physical Journal. B, Condensed Matter and Complex Systems (Internet), v. 87, p. 235, 2014.
Andronico, A. ; Mariani, S. ; GHIGLIENO, F. G. ; Claudon, J. ; Munsch, M. ; Gérard, J.-M. ; Favero, I. ; Ducci, S. ; Leo, G. . Tuning of a Nonlinear THz Emitter. Optics Express, v. 20, p. 17678-17683, 2012.
Guillotel, E. ; Langlois, C. ; Savanier, M. ; GHIGLIENO, F. G. ; Ducci, S. ; Favero, I. ; Leo, G. . Propagation losses in GaAs/AlOx nonlinear waveguide and their impact on parametric oscillation threshold. Proceedings - SPIE, v. 7728, p. 772808, 2010.