Giuliano Augustus Pavan Ribeiro
Professor Associado
2014 - 2015
State University of New York - Stony Brook, SUNY - SB - Estados Unidos
2003 - 2006
Doutorado em Física
Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UFSCAR - Brasil
Informações de Contato
Telefone: +55 16 3351-9344
Publicações Recentes
RIBEIRO, G. A. P.; KOREPIN, V. E. . Thermodynamic limit of the six-vertex model with reflecting end. Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and Theoretical (Print), v. 48, p. 045205, 2015.
TAVARES, T. S. ; RIBEIRO, G. A. P. ; KOREPIN, V. E. . The entropy of the six-vertex model with a variety of different boundary conditions. Journal of Statistical Mechanics, v. 2015, p. P06016, 2015.
TAVARES, T S ; Ribeiro, G A P ; KOREPIN, V E . Influence of boundary conditions on bulk properties of six-vertex model. Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and Theoretical (Print), v. 48, p. 454004, 2015.